您现在的位置:北京市海淀区五一小学>> 学生乐园>> 心灵港湾>>Growth, learning and change

    Growth, learning and change

    I remember, I remember,

    The first sound I cried,

    The first “mom” I called,

    The first step I took,

    The first number I counted,

    Happiness floating on my parents’ faces.


    I remember, I remember,

    The first word I wrote,

    The first picture I painted,

    The first song I sang,

    The first model I made,

    Smile appearing on my teachers’ faces.


    I remember, I remember,

    The first full mark I got,

    The first prize I won,

    The first red scarf I wore,

    The first class monitor I was voted,

    Encouraging applause comes from all my classmates.

    上一篇:记 小 书 签 比 赛 活 动[ 11-16 ]
    下一篇:《春》[ 01-05 ]